3d-iphoneSomeone has taken John Lee’s WiiDesktopVR system, which used the Wii Remote in reverse (remote stationary, IR LED’s on your head) to simulate head tracked 3D video, and adapted it to the iPhone using the accelerometers to track.

iDesktopVR is an adaptation for the iPhone / iPod Touch or Johnny Chung Lee’s WiiDesktopVR method of view-dependent rendering. In this version, the orientation of the screen relative to the viewer is tracked using the accelerometers on the device and the head distance is fixed value. In other words, instead of physically moving in front of a TV screen, in this version you are manipulating the screen itself.

Pretty neat trick.  See the video after the break, and Jonny Lee’s original WiiDesktopVR.

via YouTube – iDesktopVR – head tracking for iPhone / iPod Touch.