
ATI/AMD has just released a new beta version (Beta4) of their ATI Stream SDK that adds OpenCL GPU support to the already existing CPU support.

The new ATI Stream SDK v2.0 – beta 4 adds OpenCL GPU support to the existing CPU support. OpenCL is about accelerating applications on heterogeneous systems – ALL the processors in your system. With AMD’s beta 4 OpenCL implementation, you will be able to take one source code base and re-target it to multi-core CPUs or modern GPUs – it will run on both – and take advantage of your entire platform.
OpenCL is the first truly open and royalty-free programming standard for general-purpose computations on heterogeneous systems.  It lets you write data-parallel algorithms data-parallel processing (for scientific computations, video and image processing, game AI and physics, etc.) that spread themselves automatically across available resources, be they CPU or GPU.
Thanks to Tony DeYoung for sending this in.  Go check it out at the Stream SDK Website.