downfall-of-detroitTime has a new infographic online as part of their “Assignment Detroit” that shows how the city expanded geographically but lost overall population over the last 50 years.  They’ve compiled data on people per square mile, shown across the top, and a huge chart showing vacancy rates in 2009.

Detroit: Now a Ghost Town – TIME. via ChartPorn.

Update: A sharp-eyed reader let me know that the photos accompanying this story (not the infographic, just the photography) are currently in the middle of some arguments over authenticity, calling it “ruin porn”

“This is the visiting reporters’ favorite thing to see,” James said. “The people all come here to shoot the story of the auto industry and they love this shot because they can be like, ‘See that? That’s where they made the cars,’ and then forget to add the footnote that the plant’s been closed since 1956.”

via “Lazy Artists love Pictures of Abandoned Stuff”.