30-years-ars-electronicaArs Electronica is over and Information Aesthetics has a great writeup on the massive “30 Years of Ars Electronica” exhibit.  Some details.

Dietmar explained that the projects were developed by studying 3 main points of the data:

1. Quantitative Analysis: What are the submissions, how many they are and how they are categorized.

2. Social Networks: Who were the jury members throughout the years? How they are connected to each other as well as awarded artists.

3. Art Historical Context: What is the effect of awarded projects in the history? Where they appeared after the awards(i.e. books,exhibitions), how they influenced the genres and fields of media arts.

Hit his website for several photos and a ton of information about the project.

via Mapping The Archive: 30 Years of Ars Electronica Visualized in Huge Scale – information aesthetics.