ptexA new library from the University of Utah and Disney discusses a new UV texture mapping library called ‘PTex’ which can map UV coordinates to models on a fully automatic basis with for models or arbitrary complexity and size.

We propose a new texture mapping method for Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces that requires no explicit parameterization. Our method, Ptex, stores a separate texture per quad face of the subdivision control mesh, along with a novel per-face adjacency map, in a single texture file per surface. Ptex uses the adjacency data to perform seamless anisotropic filtering of multi-resolution textures across surfaces of arbitrary topology. Just as importantly, Ptex requires no manual setup and scales to models of arbitrary mesh complexity and texture detail.

Ptex is now supported in Pixar’s Renderman, and was used in Bolt & “Glago’s Guest”, and an open-source version of the library is coming son.  Videos, slides, and the PDF paper are available on their site.

via Ptex: Per-Face Texture Mapping for Production Rendering.