openctmOpenCTM has just released v0.7 of their amazing mesh-compression library.  If you’ve never used OpenCTM, it’s a triangular mesh compression technology that can reduce the filesize of a mesh to 5-6% of it’s original size, preserving all the geometry.

OpenCTM is primarily a file format for storing 3D triangle meshes in a compact yet versatile format. In order to make it easy for software developers and 3D designers to support the format, an easy to use software library is provided that can read and write OpenCTM format files.

It is important to understand that OpenCTM is only concerned with managing triangle mesh data. In other words, OpenCTM is not a scene description format. For instance, OpenCTM does not handle multiple meshes, transformation matrices, materials, light sources, physical properties, etc.

It supports vertex colors and texture coordinates, and an impressive set of benchmarks can be seen on their Performance page.

via OpenCTM – Compression of 3D Triangle Meshes.