oxford-crimemapA new Google Maps mashup from Mentorn Media and Cimex Media, on behalf of the BBC, maps crime-patterns as a heatmap over Oxford.

In a map, that I am happy to see is not a Google mashup, select different kinds of crime (e.g. violent crime, burglary & theft), or if you live in the area, compare different neighborhoods by postcode. The interactive also provides three animations for a week in crime – street violence, street robbery, and rowdy behavior – complemented by narration and explanation.

The map covers data from November 2007 to November 2008, and uses data from several agencies such as the Thames Valley Police, Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue, Domestic Abuse Services, Ambulance Services, and more.  See it on “the truth about crime” site.

via Mapping Crime in Oxford Over Time | FlowingData.