kevlar-copperbulletWired Magazine has rounded up the winners of the SciDAC2009 Visualization Night awards, and has pictures and their videos (where possible) onlien for your viewing pleasure.

Some of the most impressive images in science are produced when researchers take numerical data and represent it visually through modeling and computer graphics. The Department of Energy honored 10 of this year’s best scientific visualizations with its annual SciDAC Vis Night awards, at the Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing conference SciDAC in June. Researchers submitted visualizations to the contest, and program participants voted on the best of the best. From earthquakes to jet flames, this gallery of videos and images show how beautiful and descriptive visual data can be.

Disclaimer: I was on the team that did the Kevlar Penetration (shown above, video not available) and the “Breaking Waves” video on the site.

via Best Science Visualization Videos of 2009 | Wired Science |