mriOver in Sweden, the Linkoping University and county Council have been working on developing new visualization technologies for working with the always-increasing volume of data from medical scans like CT’s and MRI’s.

For example, Doctor Anne-Marie Landtblom, chief neurological physician is working on a particularly tricky case. Her patient has shown symptoms of MS that were not visible with traditional MR imaging. She discusses imaging alternatives with Marcel, who is just steps away. Marcel Warntjes, clinical scientist and the inventor of synthetic MR, discusses Anne-Marie’s problem with a few of his colleagues. He decides to reform a synthetic MR scan of the patient which provides the information that Anne-Marie wants to see. He then turns to Frida for support with the visualization.

Frida Hernell, visualization specialist makes a few suggestions on how to render the images in 3D while increasing shadows and textures. The new 3D images reveal what Anne-Marie is looking for and she can make her diagnosis and start treatment while Frida applies her new found knowledge to a new problem. She mentions her findings to Marcel who immediately sees that could benefit Anne-Marie’s new patient.

In addition to “synthetic CT” and “synthetic MR”, they have systems for “synthetic autopsy” and others.

A traditional autopsy may take several days. A 3D virtual autopsy here takes only 20 seconds. In addition, you don’t need to cut the body open-something that many religions prohibit. Alien objects, injuries and fractions are readily visible and in case of an unnatural death, no evidence is destroyed. All data can be stored and the images turned and rotated in an infinite number of ways.

via Sweden invents visualized image for medical diagnosis and treatment – People’s Daily Online.