hdr-siblA new company is selling HDR renders in SIBL format (Smart Image Based lighting) for the low price of $9.99, excl VAT.  Each purchase comes with an 8k (8kx4k) JPG background, 4K (4kx2k) spherical HDR for reflection, lowres lightmap, thumbnail, and sIBL document.

All 9 spherical renders (exposures) at JPG at 11K (11.700 X 5850 pixels). These extra renders are all exposures that were made to generate the HDR. So you can make a bigger HDR at 11k by yourself if you need it. Or you even can exposure blend / enfuse the images. This means that you are very flexible in post production.

The initial offerings are a cooperation between HDRLabs and Bob Groothuis.

via Famous Dutch Light captured for VFX, 3D, Architecture & Game developers.
