samsung-hologramAt the recent announcement for Samsung’s new “Jet” cellphone, they were completely upstaged by their visuals: A gesture-based holographic system designed by Korean firm D’strict.

Designed by Korean firm D’strict, the tech is a combination of infrared motion sensing and 3D imagery, pretty much like Microsoft’s Project Natal. It’s not quite as seamless as Natal, but given that it’s main purpose is just to add a little flash to a cellphone announcement, we’re awfully impressed—and distracted.

It’s difficult to tell from the video, but it looks like the presenter was actually standing behind a clear screen, so the visuals were projected in front of him (between him and the audience), to better create the effect that he was standing in the middle of the hologram.  Check out the video after the break.

via Samsung’s Holographic Gesture-Based Eye Candy Upstages Product Announcement – Samsung – Gizmodo.

Samsungmobile Jet making film from d’strict on Vimeo.