We’ve talked about iZ3D monitors before, the passive stereo LCD’s that give you stereo with pretty much any video cards and without shutter glasses.  The technology is neat, but NVidia is eating into their market with the new GeForce Stereo solution.  Anandtech takes an iZ3D display for a test drive, and finds it a bit lacking.

But despite the fact that iZ3D delivers on hardware compatibility and offers passive glasses that are much more user friendly, the fact that each game requires manual tweaking combined with the image quality issues really disappointed us. For an NVIDIA owner, GeForce 3D Vision adds more value, and the iZ3D monitor really isn’t something we believe would add as much value to an AMD set up as 3D Vision adds to NVIDIA hardware (which still isn’t a lot without much better developer and software support).

via AnandTech: Stereoscopic 3D Monitor From iZ3D: Passive Glasses and Polarized Screens.