T400s_thin_420Lenovo has just recently released their new ThinkPad T400s, breaking their previous record for a slim-laptop.  The T400s is a mere 0.83 inches thick and weights just 3.9lbs, putting it between the aluminum unibody MacBook and MacBook Air.  All this is nice and good, but in a recent interview with ComputerWorld, David Critchley drops this little bombshell:

Lenovo is also thinking about adding a multitouch screen to future ThinkPads and it will consider releasing a slim model of its T500 with 15-in. OLED screen “if demand is there ” Carias said.

More important than demand is price, I suspect.  OLED isn’t cheap, but the contract and resolution alone would have people clamoring for it.

via Lenovo slims down new ThinkPad T400s.