hp_eskinHP has just announced a new display technology they’re calling “eSkin”.  What is actually is? Well, listen to this comment from an HP spokeswoman:

“HP eSkins is in fact a dynamic digital surface (and not just a static display) that can be controlled to address up to 80 segments to give the perception of movement and eye-catching motion,” an HP spokeswoman said in an email. “The segmented display can be turned off and on to create visual effects.”

Looks like it’s somewhere between eInk and LCD, with baked in images that can be turned opaque/transparent via an electrical impulse.  They’re formally presenting the technology later this week at Display Week2009 in San Antonio, just like the new Sharp 5-color Display Technology.

via HP’s eSkins Sticks a Display to Well, Anything – News and Analysis by PC Magazine.