More documents are online in the SGI Bankruptcy proceedings, and I’m trying to understand some more of what’s going on.  Tomorrow is the next scheduled hearing for SGI in court, so as a followup to the previous Findings, I’ve decided to post some more. I won’t clutter up the front page with them however, so click inside for the scoop.

  • Docket 318 and Docket 319 is a motion from SGI to prevent Eliot Bernstein’s emergency order.  They claim no knowledge of his lawsuit, and include some rather lengthy documentation from him and his company (iViewIt) about his claims.  An interesting read, especially the letter to the SEC warning them about a possible Trillion Dollar Fraud commited by Intel upon its shareholders.
  • Dockets 314-317 are requests to continue to pay certain professionals such as Lawyers and Real Estate people.  It seems Zamansky Professional Association is attempting to move some property in Wisconsin for SGI.
  • Docket #320 is a GOOD ONE.  It’s the agenda for tomorrow’s hearing.  It’s a long one, with a list of pretty much every single objection in it.
  • Docket 321 indicates that certain attendees of tomorrow’s hearing will be phoning-it-in with a service called “CourtCall”.  $30 for the first hour, and $6.50 for every 15minutes afterwards.
  • Docket #322 is noticed that Watershed Capital Institutional Partners is a “substantial shareholder” in SGI, owning 869,129 shares of common stock, acquired entirely on October 17th, 2006 (The same day SGI emerged from Bankruptcy Protection).
  • The rest are just Affidavits of Service, evidence that various persons were served.  You can check out Docket #323 to see the ad SGI ran in the New York Times announcing the hearing.

And that seems to be about it.  Anyone else see anything interesting?
