CGSociety has a great article up about the PS3’s newest hit, Killzone 2.  Announced long ago (Back in 2005 at E3), the game has been widely panned because of the long development time.  While the trailers showed some amazing visuals, everyone was pretty sure they were heavily doctored to look more impressive.  Now that the game is out, however, everyone is backtracking as the visuals far surpass anything out.  How did they make it so impressive?

Lead Tech Artist at Guerrilla Games, Paulus Bannink, tells us that all of the animation was done in Maya 8.5 – with only some of the motion capture being cleaned up a little in MotionBuilder which – right off the bat – is out of the ordinary considering that most 3D games have been developed using Autodesk’s 3ds Max.

That’s a big step right there.  But there’s more….

via CGSociety – Killzone 2.
