TechCrunch is talking about a new flash-based visualization tool called iFree3D that can take data from various sources (Google Search results, MySQL tables, Amazon SimpleDB’s, etc) and visualize them interactively.

Currently you can perform Google searches for websites, images and videos, and results will be presented to you in boxes against a black background. You can manipulate the frames, drag and drop them or hit the ALT-key to move objects around in 3D mode using mouse gestures. This also works for MySQL and Amazon SimpleDB database, mapping out tables and relations between objects. Basically, the more objects there are in the source, the more useful the 3D view and manipulation mode becomes.

The product is still in Beta, but it looks like they’ve already got a pretty functional tool and a desktop version (in Adobe AIR) in development.

via Visualize Data (Including Google Search Results) In 3D With iFree3D.