Toms Hardware has the scoop on AMD/ATI’s latest GDC talk:

“Hear the latest on game computing featuring open standards-based physics with OpenCL and ATI Stream and increasing content scalability through server-side rendering powered by AMD s Fusion Render Cloud ” reads the session detail over on the official GDC site (link). According to AMD Software Manager Terry Makedon Havok is indeed the partner of choice and the company plans to demonstrate ATI hardware-accelerated physics during the presentation (Twitter). “Go check out the session if you are around should be educational ” he said.

Sounds like AMD & ATI got fed up about hearing NVidia putting PhysX on everything, so they’ve decided to team up with one of the biggies (Havok) and optimize it for GPGPU acceleration on ATI cards.

via AMD Showcases Havok Physics… Again? – Tom’s Hardware.