Skew Matrix Software & Blue Newt Software are teaming up to run an OSG Training class in Washington DB march 9-12.

OpenSceneGraph (OSG) is an OpenGL-based, high-performance, 3D graphics toolkit for visual simulation, games, virtual reality, scientific visualization, and modeling. OSG is completely open source and runs on all major computing platforms. OSG and OpenGL experts Bob Kuehne (Blue Newt Software) and Paul Martz (Skew Matrix Software) guide you through OSG’s API in this intense 4-day course designed to give you the knowledge to develop high-end OSG applications. Please register early to take advantage of special pricing.

They plan on offering 3 courses:

  • Introduction to OpenSceneGraph March 9th
  • Intermediate OpenSceneGraph March 10-11
  • Terrain Databases in OSG March 12

via OpenSceneGraph Training – Khronos Group Events, Seminars and Presentations.