The upcoming AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) will be meeting  in the Hyatt Regency in Chicago this weekend.  The meeting will be about recent trends in supercomputing and the upcoming move to petascale computing and how it will revolutionize science and engineering.  But during these talks, NCSA’a Advanced Visualization Lab will be exhibiting 4k stereo animations of recent simulations.

In the Columbian room of the Hyatt, NCSA’s Advanced Visualization Lab will exhibit 4K super-high-resolution 3D stereo animations of scientific phenomena, from colliding galaxies to the formation of a tornado to the flow of traffic on Chicago’s streets. These impressive images began with data produced from supercomputing simulations; then the AVL team worked intensively with researchers in disciplines from astronomy to atmospheric science to understand and represent the data accurately and artfully. The resulting work has been seen by thousands of people at planetariums, museums, and in televised documentaries on PBS, the Discovery Channel, and the National Geographic Channel. By translating data into images, NCSA’s visualization team shares cutting-edge science with the broadest possible public audience.

via HPCwire: NCSA Sponsors Panel, Showcases Visualizations at AAAS.