Film & Video has another great article talking about the Special Effects used in the movie “Valkryie”.  It covered the detailed sets they need to construct, and focuses very heavily (with before/during/after shots) on the process used to remove Tom Cruise’s two fingers digitally.

Valkyrie director Bryan Singer had an onerous task. He needed to make a Nazi soldier, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg (Tom Cruise), and other German army officers sympathetic enough to hold an audience that already knows the ending to the story — a failed attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Imageworks’ Richard Hoover, twice nominated for a visual effects Oscar (Superman Returns and Armageddon), had a less obvious challenge: lockstep the studio’s photorealistic visual effects into historical accuracy. In doing so, the Imageworks crew soldiered through around 600 shots that incorporated digital makeup and environmental effects.

via Subtle FX for Valkyrie’s Secret Plot | Film & Video.