VFXWorld has an interview with the creators of Mirror’s Edge, a unique first person action adventure game that’s been widely praised by critics for it’s unique playstyle.

When you see Mirror s Edge for the first time a variety of words would probably pop up but one in particular should be more apparent than others “innovative.” That s because Mirror s Edge is the first of its kind; no one else has put together what you see and experience in Mirror s Edge and that is exactly the intention of the developers over at EA DICE. Mirror s Edge has the same POV as a first-person shooter but you hardly ever carry a gun. The main character is a female but she isn t the typical scantily-clad and curvaceous Amazonian that we often see in a game. Mirror s Edge is quite a change from the ordinary game but change is good. I talked with couple of the big dogs in EA DICE s yard Art Director Johannes Soderqvist and Senior Animator Tobias Dahl to get a good grip on how Mirror s Edge was created with such a unique style and why they decided to take such an uncommon direction.

One particular problem they had to deal with is that designing fluid motion to the outside viewer and to the first person viewer are very distinct problems, each with their own unique problems.  The team at DICE managed not only to pull it off, but create a fantastic game that breaks new ground in several areas.

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